Reports, letters, statements and other resources bookmarked as foundational and/or important content for those interested in Harvard, higher ed, democracy, and FAIR-related issues.
Kalven Report: Report on the University’s Role in Political and Social Action (University of Chicago, 1967)
Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale (1974)
Reinforcing the Chicago Principles and the Kalven Report (University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer, October 2020)
Think for Yourself (Princeton, Harvard, Yale scholars, August 2017)
An Open Letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates: “The Dream is Real” (Jason D. Hill, October 2017)
Brown University President Christina Paxson’s letter about racial justice + Glenn Loury’s rebuttal to Paxson in City Journal (Sept 2020)
Peter Boghossian’s Resignation Letter (Sept 2021)
Freedom of Inquiry and Expression at Purdue (Purdue President Mitch Daniels, 2021)
Stanford Dean Letter (March 2023)
Harvard’s Free Speech Guidelines: Harvard’s guidelines were adopted in 1990 and may be under review. (College Fix, Crimson)
The Chicago Statement: Adopted and/or affirmed by more than 50 institutions including Princeton, Columbia, Amherst, Johns Hopkins, Purdue and Georgetown. See UChicago Free Expression website.
Statement on Faculty, Free Expression, and Diversity (University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer, Nov 2020).
Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression - A Statement by Robert P. George and Cornel West (March 2017)
UVA Statement on Free Expression and Free Inquiry (June 2021)
AFA Statement on Mandatory Diversity Statements (August 2022)—drafters include Randall L. Kennedy (HLS), Jeffrey S. Flier (HMS)
MIT Statement on Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom (February 2023)
Freedom of Expression at Notre Dame (February 2023)
The Thomas Sowell Reader (and his collection of works)
White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era (Shelby Steele)
What Universities Owe Democracy (Ronald J. Daniels)
The Making of the Modern University (Julie A. Reuben)
Excellence Without a Soul: How a Great University Forgot Education (Harry Lewis)
The Coddling of the American Mind Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt) + Afterword
Cynical Theories (Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay)
Power of the Powerless (Václav Havel)
Rationality (Steven Pinker)
Woke Racism (John McWhorter)
The Madness of Crowds (Douglas Murray)
The Parasitic Mind (Gad Saad)
The Identity Trap (Yascha Mounk)
Self Portrait in Black and White (Thomas Chatterton Williams)
Please Stop Helping Us (Jason L. Riley)
What do White Americans Owe Black People (Jason D. Hill)
Agency (Ian Rowe)
The Spiral of Silence (Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann)
The Omni-Americans (Albert Murray)
HATE: Why We Should Resist it With Free Speech, Not Censorship (Nadine Strossen)
Western Self-Contempt: Oikophobia in the Decline of Civilizations (Benedict Beckeld)
Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite (William Deresiewicz)
The Fall of the Faculty (Benjamin Ginsberg)
Council on Academic Freedom at Harvard
Harvard Alumni for Free Speech
Free Black Thought’s List of Organizations
James Madison Program- Princeton
UChicago Free (faculty group)
UChicago Free Expression (university)
The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal
University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement
Speeches + Lectures
Areopagitica (Milton, 1644)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1978 Harvard Commencement Address (also see: The Exhausted West, Harvard Magazine, 1978)
Glenn Loury on the Ethics of Affirmative Action in Higher Education: (2019 lecture)
The Case for Black Patriotism (Glenn Loury, Manhattan Institute, 2021)
The Harvard Bait & Switch: Harvey Silverglate on the University's Free Speech Fakery (2013)
Articles (Archived)
Top Colleges Take More Blacks, but Which Ones? (NYT, 2004)
Think Professors Are Liberal? Try School Administrators (NYT, 2018)
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid
Haidt explains “The story of Babel is the best metaphor I have found for what happened to America in the 2010s, and for the fractured country we now inhabit. Something went terribly wrong, very suddenly. We are disoriented, unable to speak the same language or recognize the same truth.”
Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Literary Freedom as an Essential Human Right
In a powerful speech delivered at the 2021 Pen America Gala and adapted in a NYT essay, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. argues that “whenever we treat identify as something to be fenced off from those of another identity, we sell short the human imagination.”
Ian Rowe, Glenn Loury, Thomas Chatterton Williams: Demystifying Black Excellence (HBSAAA event)
In February 2021, the Harvard Business School African American Alumni Association presented “Moving from Persecution to Prosperity: Demystifying Black Excellence.” An excellent talk covering everything from equity to reparations.
Why Universities Must Choose One Telos: Truth or Social Justice
“Aristotle often evaluated a thing with respect to its ‘telos’ – its purpose, end, or goal. The telos of a knife is to cut. The telos of a physician is health or healing. What is the telos of university?”